
OALib Journal期刊

ISSN: 2333-9721




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匹配条件: “Sergio Hoyos” ,找到相关结果约12258条。
Fungicide tolerance of Trichoderma asperelloides and T. harzianum strains  [PDF]
Adriana Paola Chaparro, Lilliana Hoyos Carvajal, Sergio Orduz
Agricultural Sciences (AS) , 2011, DOI: 10.4236/as.2011.23040
Abstract: Tolerance in isolations of Trichoderma was developed by exposing two strains of T. harzianum and three of T. asperelloides to increasing concentrations of chemical fungicides. These isolation of Trichoderma were exposed to three fungicides: Captan, Thiabendazol and the mixture Captan-Carboxin. Some selected lines of these strains reached tolerance to Captan and partial tolerance to the mixture Captan-Carboxin. The biological and genetic changes in these tolerant lines were monitored by determining the relative growth rate of the fungus, inhibition of Fusarium and by analyzing the genomic changes through UP-PCR. The results show that the tolerance to fungicides can be developed without affecting the parameters of biological activity in these lines of Trichoderma (growth and parasitism against Fusarium). Chemical tolerance to the fungicide was verified by means of changes at the DNA level (UP-PCR), mainly in the lines tolerant to Captan. This suggests that Trichoderma survives in environments with remnants of fungicide molecules.
Evaluation of the Results of Radical Management of a Cohort of 107 Patients with Hepatocellular Carcinoma in Colombia  [PDF]
Sergio Hoyos, Jaime Chávez, álvaro Duarte, Isabel Arenas
Journal of Cancer Therapy (JCT) , 2015, DOI: 10.4236/jct.2015.613123
Abstract: Introduction: Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is the most common primary tumor of the liver and usually appears as part of liver cirrhosis (LC). Its management in the presence of LC is ideally with orthotopic liver transplantation. Surgical resection is indicated only in the presence of a tumor in a patient with a very good liver function and who for medical reasons cannot be carried to transplantation. Materials and Methods: A descriptive study of a prospective and consecutive series of patients undergoing surgery (resection or liver transplantation) for HCC in a hospital in the city of Medellin was performed, from June 2004 to January 2015. A multivariate analysis was carried out of factors associated with survival during the follow-up. Results: 116 surgical interventions for the management of HCC between June 2004 and January 2015 were performed. The analysis included 107 patients, of which 73% were men. The median age of all patients was 60 years. The factors that showed better survival were: patients undergoing transplantation, the presence of cirrhosis, tumor less than 5 cm in diameter, a unique and well-differentiated tumor; however, none of these factors achieved statistical significance. Conclusion: Both resection and liver transplantation, when well indicated achieve good 5-years of survival in patients with HCC.
Radioterapia: papel actual en el cáncer de páncreas
Hoyos Duque,Sergio; Mancera Morales,Juliana;
Iatreia , 2012,
Abstract: prognosis of pancreatic cancer is poor with a five-year survival rate of 5%-15% after radical treatment. its silent but aggressive evolution and nonspecific manifestations delay diagnosis so that only 15%-20% of lesions can be resected when diagnosis is established. the remaining ones are not resectable because they have advanced locally or because metastases are already present. therefore, different therapeutic approaches are required in order to improve the quality of life and, if possible, to lengthen survival. chemotherapy and radiotherapy as sole treatments, or the combination of both, have not achieved satisfactory results. presently, investigation is very active concerning therapy of locally advanced pancreatic cancer in order to find the best therapeutic protocol in terms of quality of life and survival.
Pólipos de la vesícula
Hoyos,Sergio Iván; Sierra,Elsy Cristina;
Revista Colombiana de Cirugía , 2010,
Abstract: gallbladder polyp refers to any protruding lesion of the mucosal surface of the gallbladder wall. the term polyp encompasses a heterogeneous group of abnormalities, including true polyps (polypoid tumours) and pseudopolyps, which may be either inflammatory polyps or cholesterol polyps. unlike true polyps, pseudopolyps have no malignant potential. the most common (>70%) type of polyp is the cholesterol polyp; usually it is a small polyp (<10mm), pedunculated, multiple, with a higher echogenicity than the liver parenchyma. neoplastic polyp frequently has an enlarged size (>1cm), is solitary, sessile and isoechogenic with the liver parenchyma. the management of polypoid lesions of the gallbladder is still controversial. different studies have shown that polypoid lesions larger than 1cm should be treated with cholecystectomy, because of their high potential of malignancy. cholecystectomy has also been shown to bring about symptomatic relief. on the contrary, natural history of small gallbladder polyps, symptomatic and complicating absent factors, has proven to be benign, thus suggesting that cholecystectomy is not indicated and a “watch and wait” strategy based on repeated ultrasound and medical examinations should be implemented.
Resultados de duodenopancreatectomía cefálica en el Hospital Pablo Tobón Uribe de Medellín, en un período de tres a?os
Hoyos Duque,Sergio; Guzman Luna,Carlos;
Revista Colombiana de Cirugía , 2008,
Abstract: objective: to determine the epidemiologic and pathological data, and the surgical end results in a series of patients that underwent cephalic pancreatoduodenectomy over a three year period at a referral center for hepatobiliary-pancreatic diseases and liver transplantation in the city of medellín, colombia. methods: information was collected in a prospective manner from the data base of the unit of hepatobiliary and pancreatic surgery at our institution. results: nineteen patients, 31.5% male and 68.5% female, were subjected to cephalic pancreatoduodenectomy with curative intention in the period january 2002 trough december 2006. main indication was carcinoma of the head of the pancreas (36.8%), followed by ampullary carcinoma (21%), and neoplasms of the biliary tract and duodenum (10.5%). morbidity rate was 47.3% and mortality rate 15%. overall actuarial survival was 57.8%, and one-year survival was 68.5%. discussion: cepahalic pancreatoduodenectomy is major surgical procedure, which when performed at referral center can achieve morbidity and mortality rates similar to those reported in the world literature.
Resultados de duodenopancreatectomía cefálica en el Hospital Pablo Tobón Uribe de Medellín, en un período de tres a os Results of cephalic pancreatoduodenectomy over a three year period at Hospital Pablo Tobón Uribe, Medellín, Colombia
Sergio Hoyos Duque,Carlos Guzman Luna
Revista Colombiana de Cirugía , 2008,
Abstract: Objetivo: evaluar los datos epidemiológicos, la patología y los resultados de una serie de pacientes sometidos a duodenopancreatectomía cefálica en un centro de referencia de cirugía hepatobiliar, pancreática y de trasplante hepático en la ciudad de Medellín, Colombia, en un período de tres a os. Métodos: se recolectaron los datos de manera prospectiva de la base de datos de la Unidad de Cirugía Hepatobiliar y Pancreática de dicha institución. Resultados: entre enero de 2004 y diciembre de 2006, se llevaron a duodenopancreatectomía cefálica con intención curativa 19 pacientes, con una distribución de 31,5% hombres y 68,5% mujeres. La indicación principal fue carcinoma de cabeza de páncreas en el 36,8%, seguido por carcinoma ampular en el 21% y tumor de vías biliares y de duodeno en el 10,5%. La morbilidad fue de 47,3% y la mortalidad de 15%. La supervivencia actuarial entre todos fue de 57,8%, la supervivencia a un a o fue de 68,5%. Discusión: la duodenopancreatectomía cefálica es una cirugía de gran envergadura pero que, hecha de manera regular en centros de referencia, puede lograr tasas de supervivencia y de morbimortalidad similares a las reportadas en la literatura mundial. Objective: To determine the epidemiologic and pathological data, and the surgical end results in a series of patients that underwent cephalic pancreatoduodenectomy over a three year period at a referral center for hepatobiliary-pancreatic diseases and liver transplantation in the city of Medellín, Colombia. Methods: Information was collected in a prospective manner from the data base of the Unit of Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic Surgery at our institution. Results: Nineteen patients, 31.5% male and 68.5% female, were subjected to cephalic pancreatoduodenectomy with curative intention in the period January 2002 trough December 2006. Main indication was carcinoma of the head of the pancreas (36.8%), followed by ampullary carcinoma (21%), and neoplasms of the biliary tract and duodenum (10.5%). Morbidity rate was 47.3% and mortality rate 15%. Overall actuarial survival was 57.8%, and one-year survival was 68.5%. Discussion: cepahalic pancreatoduodenectomy is major surgical procedure, which when performed at referral center can achieve morbidity and mortality rates similar to those reported in the world literature.
Pólipos de la vesícula Gallbladder polyps
Sergio Iván Hoyos,Elsy Cristina Sierra
Revista Colombiana de Cirugía , 2010,
Abstract: Los pólipos de la vesícula biliar se definen como cualquier proyección de la mucosa hacia la luz. Pueden ser clasificados en pseudopólipos (pólipos de colesterol y pólipos inflamatorios) o pólipos verdaderos (benignos o malignos). A diferencia de los pólipos verdaderos, los pseudopólipos no están asociados con cáncer. Un alto porcentaje (más de 70%) de los pólipos detectados en la población general corresponden a pólipos de colesterol, que son frecuentemente peque os (<10 mm de diámetro), pediculados, múltiples y con una ecogenicidad mayor a la del parénquima hepático. Por su parte, los pólipos neoplásicos usualmente son lesiones de más de 1 cm, solitarios, con una ecogenicidad similar a la del parénquima hepático y cuya forma, aunque variable, tiende a ser sésil con relativa frecuencia. El manejo de los pólipos de la vesícula biliar continúa siendo motivo de controversia. Los resultados de diversos estudios sugieren que la colecistectomía debería practicarse en los pacientes con lesiones polipoides sintomáticas (independientemente de su tama o), por la mejoría exhibida, o en los pacientes con pólipos mayores de 10 mm de diámetro, debido a su asociación con cáncer. Por el contrario, la evolución de los pólipos peque os de la vesícula biliar, en ausencia de manifestaciones clínicas y factores de riesgo para el desarrollo de adenocarcinoma de vesícula, ha demostrado ser benigna; por lo tanto, en estos casos, la colecistectomía no sería una indicación, al menos inicialmente, y la propuesta establecida es “esperar y vigilar” mediante seguimiento ecográfico y clínico. Gallbladder polyp refers to any protruding lesion of the mucosal surface of the gallbladder wall. The term polyp encompasses a heterogeneous group of abnormalities, including true polyps (polypoid tumours) and pseudopolyps, which may be either inflammatory polyps or cholesterol polyps. Unlike true polyps, pseudopolyps have no malignant potential. The most common (>70%) type of polyp is the cholesterol polyp; usually it is a small polyp (<10mm), pedunculated, multiple, with a higher echogenicity than the liver parenchyma. Neoplastic polyp frequently has an enlarged size (>1cm), is solitary, sessile and isoechogenic with the liver parenchyma. The management of polypoid lesions of the gallbladder is still controversial. Different studies have shown that polypoid lesions larger than 1cm should be treated with cholecystectomy, because of their high potential of malignancy. Cholecystectomy has also been shown to bring about symptomatic relief. On the contrary, natural history of small gallbladder pol
Radioterapia: papel actual en el cáncer de páncreas = Radiotherapy: its present role in pancreatic cancer
Hoyos Duque, Sergio,Mancera Morales, Juliana
Iatreia , 2012,
Abstract: El cáncer de páncreas es una enfermedad de mal pronóstico, que presenta una tasa de supervivencia a 5 a os de 5-15% luego de manejo radical. Su evolución agresiva, asociada a una sintomatología inespecífica, retarda el manejo; razón por la cual sólo entre 15 al 20% de las lesiones identificadas son resecables al momento del diagnóstico, el otro 80% son irresecables y se requiere de otro enfoque terapéutico para mejorar la calidad de vida y si es el caso la sobrevida. En respuesta a ello se han investigado e implementado diferentes opciones terapéuticas según la etapa en la que se clasifique la lesión.Los tumores resecables tendrán como primera opción, la cirugía resectiva. En caso de tratarse de un cáncer pancreático localmente avanzado, se necesitan estudios que confirmen la eficacia neta de las diferentes aproximaciones existentes en la actualidad. En cuanto al tratamiento posoperatorio del cáncer de páncreas, la quimioradioterapia ha sido el modelo a seguir desde la vertiente norteamericana, y la europea se limita a la quimioterapia única.Así pues, la orientación terapéutica en el cáncer de páncreas localmente avanzado y en posoperatorio, continúa siendo objeto de investigación, en aras de hallar el mejor protocolo que garantice un aumento significativo en la sobrevida de los pacientes.
Acute gastric volvulus: report of a case Vólvulo gástrico agudo: etiopatogénesis, diagnóstico y tratamiento
Carlos Hernando Morales Uribe,Sergio Hoyos
Iatreia , 1997,
Abstract: This paper presents a case of acute gastric volvulus related to diaphragmatic elevation due to a lung resection performed twenty eight years before, as a consequence of pulmonary tuberculosis. Gastric volvulus is rarely found; the disorder is usually chronic and originales from concurrent diaphragmatic defects or derangements. Pathogenesis and diagnosis of acute gastric volvulus as well as different treatment alternatives are discussed. Se presenta un caso de vólvulo gástrico agudo asociado a elevación del diafragma, secundaria a una neumonectomía practicada 28 a os antes por tuberculosis pulmonar. El vólvulo gástrico es una entidad clínica poco frecuente que ocurre, en general, en forma crónica y secundaria a patología diafragmática. Se discuten la etiopatogénesis, el diagnóstico y las diferentes alternativas de tratamiento en pacientes con esta entidad.
Carcinoma de vesícula biliar en el Hospital Pablo Tobón Uribe de Medellín
Jaramillo,Paula María; Hoyos,Sergio Iván;
Revista Colombiana de Cirugía , 2009,
Abstract: objectives. to analyze the experience with patients with carcinoma of the gallbladder at the hepatobiliary and pancreatic unit of pablo tobón uribe hospital (medellín, colombia), registering the clinical course and outcomes. patients and methods. all patients with the diagnosis of carcinoma of the gallbladder admitted to the hepatobiliary and pancreatic unit during the period january 1, 2004, to june 30, 2008 were analyzed. the diagnostic methods were studied, together with the stage of the disease, the type of surgery performed, and the results measured in terms of hospital stay and related mortality. results. forty patients were collected, 55% women and 45% men, with average age of 60.4 years. preoperative diagnosis was established preoperatively in 62.5% of the patients, and as incidental finding at cholecystectomy in 37.5%. ct scan was the most common diagnostic method utilized, both for diagnosis (28%) and for staging (53.3%). tumor stage at operation was: stage iv in 72.5% of cases, followed by stage ib in 12.5%. in only 22.5% of all patients resection with curative intention was possible, and of these patients, 77.8% had had the diagnosis established after the initial cholecystectomy. central hepatectomy (segments ivb/v) with first level lymph node dissection was the most common procedure. these patients had an average hospital stay of 7.8 days, with icu stay of 0.7 days. no mortality related to the procedure occurred. average postoperative general survival was 6.7 months, with an average one year survival rate of 27.5%. conclusion. carcinoma of the gallbladder continues to exhibit an ominous prognosis in spite of the advent of improved diagnostic methods and radical surgical procedures, due mainly to the fact that the majority of cases present with an advanced stage of the disease. however this is still the only treatment modality potentially curable.

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